CHOC Mental Health Update | July 2022
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Thank you, Friend,
for being a champion of youth with mental health conditions in your community. Visit our Mental Health Guide for resources to support pediatric mental health.
Back-to-school tips for children's mental health.
While the transition back to school can be exciting, it can also bring feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Going from having fun in the sun to sitting in class can be a big change as a kid. Ease their transition with these tips.
Why does my teen hate me? Tips and assurance you’re not alone.
As children move into adolescence they often desire independence, which can cause feelings of distance for parents. Despite the shifting relationship, It's important to stay connected. Build a better relationship with your teen.
How meditation can change the way we manage stress.
The stress of everyday life can be overwhelming, especially in our fast-paced society. Sometimes, simply taking the time to refocus our energy and rest our minds can help. Learn how meditation can reduce stress.
Guided meditation and mindfulness videos for children and teens.
Meditation can be a powerful tool to help children learn to process their emotions. That's why CHOC mental health experts created a video library to help children learn ways to be mindful. Practice meditation with your kids.
For teens: what to do when you feel completely alone.
In her podcast, The Verywell Mind Podcast, host Amy Morin recently interviewed 20-year-old singer-songwriter Grace Gaustad about her battle with anxiety and depression. Hear how Grace manages her mental health. 

CHOC Mental Health Guide: Depression

Depression affects 1.9 million 13 to 17-year-olds; of those children, only 40% receive treatment to address their condition. In this comprehensive guide, CHOC pediatric mental health experts highlight behaviors to watch, tips for parents/caregivers and further educational resources about depression.

Explore our Depression Guide


Is your child struggling with mental health?

Here's a list of Mental Health Resources.

This email is intended to share news and information about the need for pediatric mental health services in Orange County and CHOC’s role in meeting those needs.

This email is not intended to replace the relationship you have with a physician or another healthcare practitioner. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. This email includes links to other websites which provide additional information that is consistent with the intended purpose of the CHOC Mental Health newsletter. Linking to a non-CHOC site does not constitute an endorsement by CHOC of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the site.

Long Live Childhood